
Friday, August 10, 2012

Songrium - Connecting the music dots

Introducing Songrium, a website just launched a few days ago!

Songrium, developed by AIST Songrium Project, is a website that let's users find their favourite VOCALOID songs and also discover new songs.

Songrium is designed to look similar to space, where the 'stars' are VOCALOID songs and once you click on it, you can find info about the song and it also shows the producers next/previous work.

Songrium's selling point is that it groups similar songs together and by clicking those, users will be able to find songs of similar style and therefore 'connecting the dots'. Besides that, once you click on a 'star', a tab will pop up at the top right corner where it directly embeds the original Nicovideo.

You can also drag and zoom in/out of the page, the stars which appears the biggest are the more popular songs, you might discover awesome songs when you zoom in :3

Personally, I find this site very useful, the concept of using 'space' and 'connecting the dots' is very creative and lets you discover loads of VOCALOID songs. Do check out this amazing site!

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